Stone Assemblies

Automate other business without neglecting your own


Agile Inception

Boost your organization with a methodological and technological agile process framework.

Effective Artifacts Management

Effective guidance for artifacts management with real traceability from source control to production.

Sci-Fi Pipelines

Enhance your team's productivity with deployment pipeline designs tailored to your needs. Automate everything and deploy with zero downtime.

Legacy Systems Modernization

Strangling your legacy systems and convert them into a first class citizen into a brand new microservice architecture.

Maximizing reusability and turning parts into scalable microservices without too much effort.


Insane Extensibility

NuGet base extensibility system for .NET applications. StoneAssemblies.Extensibility allows you easily, modularize, distribute and install your application modules.

Distributed Authorization

Enjoy building your own distributed, extensible and message based authorization framework with StoneAssemblies.MassAuth.

Built on top of MassTransit, allows you to improve the responsiveness and throughput, from a loosely coupled and a message-driven approach.

Standardized Identity

Fast adoption of OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect without users migration. Onboard your legacy users via StoneAssemblies.Keycloak with federation settings as needed.